Carrie’s love for this enchanting breed began in the 1980s when she lived in California and obtained her first corgi from the late Pat Jensen of Larchmont kennels. Although Carrie was interested in a companion, Pat insisted on introducing her to the world of show dogs and became a valued mentor. Ever since, Carrie has been fortunate to be personally influenced by the most respected Pembroke fanciers around the globe. Carrie’s kennel name "Hum’nbird" comes from a lifelong fascination with birds, especially the feisty little hummers.

Carrie breeds an average of just 2 litters per year, and has done so since 1990. Her goal is to create another generation of Specialty winning Pembrokes, with quality, soundness and temperament being her foremost considerations. Each Hum’nbird puppy that is not destined for the show ring is carefully sited in a pet home with the understanding that it will be spayed or neutered, and become a beloved family member for life. Yet, if the need arises, the corgi is always welcome to be returned to Carrie. This responsible viewpoint illustrates the essence of the truly caring and reputable dog hobbiest/breeder. As such, Carrie feels her actions are representative, and in fact exceed, the strict Code of Ethics of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America, Inc. For more information about the PWCCA, go to
Since Carrie is careful to match each puppy with its forever home, she logically is opposed to the sale of dogs by pet stores, where dogs may be purchased on impulse. She does not support dog breeding as practiced by commercial breeders and casual, "backyard" breeders. She is a strong advocate of spaying and neutering all pet quality dogs, but opposes government mandates requiring such. Carrie believes that only dogs with excellent breed type, temperament, and health clearances should be considered for breeding, and those breeding "for money," cannot be concerned primarily with quality.
At most a few pups in a typical corgi litter will meet the most stringent cosmetic criteria required for successful conformation competition, but every pup should still have excellent health and temperament. These puppies may be considered "pet quality," but Carrie knows they are stars in their new family’s hearts!
Carrie has bred many "pet" corgis that went on to gain Obedience and Agility titles, and Therapy Dog certifications. Some visit our troops recovering from battle injuries, and others cheer the elderly with charming "dog dance" routines. One has even been a billboard star for a hospital!
From left to right, Hum’nbird Queen Alexandra the Conqueror CGC, TDI, Hum’nbird Prince Edward the Charmer UD, CGC, TDI, and Hum’nbird Flower Moon CGC, TDI owned, trained and loved by Aleta Shelton
Carrie is an AKC judge, a member of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America, Inc. (PWCCA), the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of the Potomac (PWCCP), the Mason-Dixon Dog Judges Association, the Dog Judges Association of America, and Shawnee Kennel Club. She has held Officer and Board positions, chaired committees, chaired a Specialty Show, and actively volunteered in breed rescue.